Stephanie Press

You don't really know how many times that thing hunted her since she was there for 6 months and there are time jumps in the story. Only that she didn't have to do it alone.

I agree. And she keeps referring to Fitz as her best friend. Which, sure, you can be both, but all she agreed to was a date. Plus, their attempt at romance have always seemed awkward, with Fitz acting jealous whenever another guy comes around. The whole thing with Will seems contrived by circumstance, but also

People are just terrible tracking with this show if it isn't spelling it out for them in obvious dialogue.

Yet when Steve Rogers does it, no problemo.
The show makes it clear she was training with May for a lengthy period of time.

Daisy forced the portal open. It's not supposed to work that way. People are not meant to come back through it. It works in timed intervals, otherwise.

Couldn't agree more. They love the show when it doesn't seem like AOS? Hmm. I wonder if they don't really like AOS?

Yes. Just another opportunity for the AV Club to slam the show by asking for it to be another show.

I agree. He consistently is bad at communicating his intentions.

I disagree. It was interesting from the way it was structured and the cinematic feel, but we actually don't learn that much about Simmons that we didn't already know. Simmons survived inside HYDRA and she's a scientist. I guess the fact that she could survive is new information to some people, but Simmons is a

No. We don't. In fact for most of this episode, she referred to him as her best friend. It's always been a maybe and certain parts of the fandom don't want to acknowledge that.

It's not that hard. She's disoriented and may not believe she made it back. She might be doubting whether her entire experience was real or imagined. She talks with Will in the episode about how the sandstorm creature messes with your head.
Once she realizes that she's really back, then she wants to go after Will.

If so, why show the scene where he witnesses the sunrise alone? Makes no sense.

AV jumps the gun once again for a chance to slam AOS. Pretty sure it's been confirmed he's the same character.


Obviously not, because they're having another go. And I don't think Hayley calling on Chris is more clever than Clark dressing up as Peggy Carter.

Actually, Chloe Bennet started the dubsmash between AOS and Agent Carter.

I like Jane okay, but too many scientists. They did not need her and Erik Selvig. They also didn't make good use of her scientific knowledge for two films in terms of the plot, either.

Accurate. But he was always creepy and slightly unlikeable.

And also, what is this 2nd tier MCU stuff? TV and film are different mediums.

Flash is terribly overrated. I do like Gorilla Grodd, though, but a show it does not make.