Stephanie Press

I disagree. People have misread the show from the start, because it didn't play into the tropes they wanted.

Oh, I know. But, with Fury, and Steve Rogers and Banner, you'd think they might want to find their own way to press the pause button.

OUAT is one of the worst shows on tv for me. I can only hate watch it at this point. I watched it originally because I knew they ripped off Willingham's Fables, but it's not even as topical or dark; it's just a tawdry soap opera with Disney Main Street Parade costumes and it's all about shipping concerns. I hate that

Yeah, but Waid also completely rectconned Daisy bringing Coulson and Marcus into SHIELD. So, making them have a personal connection isn't that egregious.

Yeah. How was that not ever going to seem racist?

Well, I think Eddie is more like Barry and Barry is more like Wally, so you'll get no argument from me there. ;) But Eddie really just had a great payoff, he was not an important character until the finale to me. (I kind of want him to be Booster Gold.)

Guy Pearce is awesome. But I thought his reveal was a bit weak in the end. It would've been better without the CGI fest ending. I know they want to sell toys, but I enjoyed seeing Tony without the armor in that movie.

Yeah, but you read the review and it's like they didn't actually like having to watch it all that much. It just seems like people keep wanting this show to be something else, and hate admitting when it's good.

I liked how Ang Lee went outside of the box, though. It could've been a great film, it just needed to ditch all the action stuff and treat it like a monster movie.

IM2 was a waste of a great cast, though. And I don't understand why we skipped the "Tony is drunk all the time" storyline. It was one of the best ones.

I liked a lot of Iron Man 3. I'm sure I'll never get a smaller movie without the video game sequence tagged on the end from Marvel, though.

But this show is not Lost. It's also not just a spy show, it's been building it's own mythology within the MCU.

Well, they obviously talk. Maybe they should switch for this season? Ra's Al Ghul as an Olicity shipper is an instant fail.

I liked Thor:TDW, though. So maybe I'm the odd one out? It had great atmosphere, and more compelling characterization, but the villain sucked. Which is a big problem.

Skye has always been the main character. The first words we hear are hers, and she's talking about an origin story. The show is really good on rewatch, too, because you start to realize what they've done. Actually watching season one after this season adds a lot to both.

They did but begrudgingly. Meanwhile, they were about to give Arrow almost a pass for making Ra's Al Ghul an Olicity shipper.

I doubt it would. But, the show is not super accessible with a lot of obvious tropes like the CW shows.

I loved both seasons. It has a very different focus than the CW shows, which I appreciate. It doesn't feel like a soap opera.

The actors and the show have only been dropping hints about it all season. And Variety ran the story 2 days ago.

Why didn't Barry run his mother to the hospital, though? The bad guy was gone. Kid Barry was safe. Weird.