Stephanie Press

Eddie is more like Barry from the comics. Barry on this show is like Wally West to me.

My guess is Robbie will get killed at some point which is what will flip out Caitlin, and someone else will become Firestorm.

He's my favorite Flash.

I know there was always going to be this element to the show, but I felt like they introduced it way too early.


I find it kind of creepy in its basicness. The show is telling us that only Barry matters.

It really won't matter, because they've already played their hand, and writers who introduce time travel will always use it as a mcguffin.

That would be a nice twist, since the entire season basically had the villain teaching Barry how to use his powers, which doesn't make Barry seem very cool to me? Honestly, that would be my preference, and then Barry gets his powers anyway, because he was always meant to exist.

I agree. Silly.

Of course she would have. If the writers of this show really thought Caitlin was anything more than a prop at this point.

Because this show doesn't care about things that like?

The shadow government agency stuff kind of reminds me of STARR Labs/Cadmus and her clone from Justice League: Unlimited.

Ollie is a candidate for one of the dumbest superheroes yet. He reacts like a teenager. I still need an explanation of why Ra's wants him to be his heir, frankly.

This show is awful. I don't know why people keep defending it. They even made the villain ship Olicity this season! What a joke.

Two seasons in, people still kind of asking for another show? "Just make Skye go away and make it about May or Bobbi." Because those stoic female character types aren't t.v. tropes or anything. Coulson just kicked off a version of Secret Warriors with Skye, so I doubt she's becoming a background character (since she

I don't get why people like May so much (nothing against Ming Na). She's one of the least-developed characters on the show. Cal was amazing.

Maybe the reason Jiaying didn't act like Cal is because the show didn't want to make her fears entirely unjustified? She wasn't exactly wrong. Gonzales was planning on trying to register all the Inhumans. I swear, the way a lot of people miss this show, but then praise soap opera stuff like Arrow and Flash every

He's very likeable, but they're thinly drawn characters. People really want to give Palicki a superhero show, it seems! What happened to the rumor they were going to bump up Mockingbird to feature films?

The CW shows are bad soap opera and fan service with no big picture in mind. The characterizations are awful. They don't know how to tease something. I really can't believe how ridiculous Arrow has become. The idea that Ra's Al Ghul would want Ollie to be his heir is humorous, at best. But it's fan service,

Not to mention, she can call herself Kamala and not take on a superhero name until Carol is introduced. Skye is not going by Quake.