Stephanie Press

Yeah, but he can't be anymore. Makes you wonder if he fell on his sword with Loki? Did he expect to be revived by Project TAHITI?

I hope Talbot's mustache moves around his face each week. That would be awesome.

The showrunners have taken me by surprise. I think it's possible they might make him a compelling crazy that is obsessed with Skye and leave it that way! With the last 3 eppys I thought they would execute Whedontropes; they have instead done the more compelling thing.

I see two things.

Talbot's always been an overly aggressive zealot.

May is Fury's minion. Maybe she just in denial and didn't want to believe Fury authorized it, because it makes her complicit in what happened to Phil?

I love it that she won't stoop to their methods.

Agent Sadsack Originmeister

Yup. Thinking the same thing.

She wasn't dead, either.

Maybe Coulson doesn't really trust his team? He made a secret pact with Skye. He seemed distrustful of whose side Trip is really on.

Yeah, cause they want all their stuff for themselves.

So, are they trying to suggest Coulson was a bad man before his "death"? We know at the very least, he was a near-Fury-level jerkwad. Is he going to share this with Skye? I'm real curious about that. What about all the people he experimented on?

Yup, that was really just whoever is controlling Deathlok calling her out.

I think that'd be nice. Or what about Grim Reaper?

Yeah, the preview from next week looks like Ward's sob story.

See? It works.

I think the awesomeness would cancel that out.

Some of those stories were really great, though.

It should be 0% hard to make a great Wonder Woman movie!