Stephanie Press

What's the deal with Diggle's ex Lyla being "Harbinger"? Is that just a little jokey joke, or does she have powers?

I think it's the silver hair on THAT kid. Silver hair looks fine on this guy.

Dude, that's a total science hero package for you right there.

Yes, love that.

Whatabout Paste-Pot Eater and Nurse Boy?

This special should've been called: Marvel Does Themselves A Favor By Showing Stuff About Things People Want To Actually See.

Okay, thanks! That's what I thought. Why does anyone think they'd make an entire movie of that and not just a plot point?

Yeah, but don't you think part of the fun with 'Tasha is the accent? Personally, my favorite stories with her are when she was stringing Hawkeye along in the Avengers in the 60s. But, to me the ScarJo version is okay but is more just your basic SHIELD/Wheedon butt kicking chick and does not really remind me of the

Because they are shiny and have seams just like the gloves.

One of my least favorite, sorry!

Guys, Wanda is wearing a t-shirt, a skirt, a plaid shirt tied around her waist, leather pants, leather gloves, and a leather jacket. It looks exactly like something Rogue would've worn in Singer's X-Men. This is so boring to me. And why is she wearing gloves and so many freakin' layers? Can she not touch people or

She's wearing leather leggings. This costume looks like something Singer would've put Rogue in in X1.

Better than her subsequent gypsy costumes.

Yes, 90s is popular again but that is straight-up Gadzooks! Also, why are they young adults instead of closer to the ages of the rest of the team? This makes them seem like Thunderkittens to me.

Agreed. I mean, really? They could just do a little face application and keep him in tactical body armor and it would've been better.


Why are people so into Planet Hulk?

Double Dope Down.

Are they even Eastern European, or are we continuing the bold X-Men tradition of ignoring non-America character origins?