
I love when Jimmy Smits says something emphatically in Spanish, and then translates it for the rest of us — one you notice how often he does it, you can't unnotice it…

started at… the get down ;)

He said it was an unwritten rule

I thought the rule was about his sons eventually joining the club — he wants to save them from it

Well don't forget Courtney Love

seems like Marks' plan only works if Jax arbitrarily asks to do the trade one on one, alone. Marks couldn't count on or even predict that he would do that. Plot hole, or did I miss something?

When she walked into that church, I told my husband that she looked like Edward Scissorhands

This may seem like I'm reading into it too much, but as someone dealing with depression, the Creature's speech and especially the priest's speech at the end spoke to me in such a literal way that I feel it almost can't be accidental.