
In my opinion, you could skip Seasons 6 (Roanoke) & 7 (Cult) but everything else is absolutely worth the time.

AHS entire catalog is going to be on Hulu.

Id love a Black Mirror approach to AHS. A season with 4-5 loosely connected high quality stories. And back a dump truck of $$$ up to Jessica Lange’s house.  ASAP. 

What the hell happened to this site? Every headline is “nightmare” or “do they fuck” and everything is super negative. I get it, we all do, we live it. Life’s a bitch. This place has gotten so negative and end of the world it’s become a self fulfilling prophecy and is probably genuinely affecting peoples mental

i thought it was ALMOST interesting

You’re confusing “Republican” with “far-right extremist.”

Lessee. I have a bunch of lamps and a bunch of light fixtures designed around incandescent bulbs. So I can throw away all the lamps and replace all the fixtures, possibly requiring rewiring them in the house and already I’m in the hole for the money I’ll save over the next 20 years. Not to mention that the actual

I...didn’t miss that? But that only refers to STIs (that’s the only reason why the Philippines reference would be meaningful) which implies that she wasn’t on any other form of birth control, and thus in no way preventing getting pregnant with Lip’s child, which strikes me as a pretty significant decision that I would

The only unbelievable part is that anyone would leave their sweet sweet Oxy in the open on a table like that. Everyone knows you keep your precious close to your heart at all times.

Agreed Fiona and Lip are the two most compelling characters on the show whose decisions good or bad made sense.

I’m confused by this: I completely understand Rossum’s decision to leave the show, and have never expressed otherwise. My frustration has been with the terrible decisions around it, which we’re only now seeing the full impact of given that Rossum didn’t inform the producers of the decision until they were deep into

I find this response fascinating. To be honest, I never question the value of exploring the decline of a television show—it’s been on for nine seasons, and the built-up emotional investment makes exploring and understanding its failures to be a valuable critical project for me personally, and clearly for others who

I mean, to be clear, I obviously have never experienced this myself, but I guess for me it was the efficiency: she just left the house, went to a corner, and some dude drove up to buy it. I would’ve liked to see a BIT of legwork on how that worked, although maybe the show has to avoid “educating” the audience on the

Seems everything has to be anti-conservatism these days in popular culture and Shameless is right on board. The last few episodes making “The Wall” their attempt to throw their hat in and make a political statement with Kev and V’s storyline. That has been tolerable for a semi-conservative, I tend to not get worked up

I understand. I also sided with the lady who didn’t want the kids selling lemonade in front of her house, but hesitate to admit it because I don’t want to be accused of being a racist. (I despise all children; I don’t care what color they are.)

As a book reader, fuck if that wasn’t borderline perfect. Abaddon’s Gate is one of my favorite books of the past couple of decades, and while slicing out a ridiculous chunk of the meat, I can still barely comprehend how the hell The Expanse’s team got the message through as thoroughly as they managed to. Hopeful SF

Sorry, I’ll only address this legitimate request if framed as “We need to talk about needing to talk about things.”

This episode was not “disheartening.” It was devastating.

Lenny was actually written as a male role, but then cast with Aubrey Plaza with no dialogue changes. Whether or how that impacts your point, I don't know. I just found it to be an entertaining bit of trivia.

It's not a review (THAT's a real misuse of the word), it's just a tongue-in-cheek description. And it's my breakdown to be deemed pedantic, not the show. It's right there in the adjective+substantive structure.