Capt. Napalm and the Theromonuclear League of Liberty

I fucking love Costco. This post is inspiring me to start a Costco themed OnlyFans. Just me in a pair of sensible cotton bikini bottoms, two packages of Tainan Style Ramen covering my breasts, and my Hunter rain boots I purchased for $30 less than retail, and nothing else. It’s going to be huge. 

I bet they gave him a stern torquing to.

Here’s how this article’s legacy will play out: I read it. I will forget I ever read it. Then one late drunken night on my recliner, years from now, I’ll recall it. I won’t remember what I’m recalling, nor will I understand where, who, or why any of these fantastic details are in my consciousness in the first place.

Protesters: “All cops are bad.”

I think, in the not too distant future, the trilogy approach to the sequels will be viewed as a terrible mistake. Mandalorian, Rebels, and Clone Wars all prove SW works really well as a serialized story. This pressure to wrap up a forty year story in three movies, when one of the movies is a remake and the sequel

Boomer here. I still think it’s funny as hell, especially the hysteria. And I know you kids aren’t talking about me. I’m not a regular granny, I’m a cool granny.

Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.

If you’re the Raiders, now is your prime chance to make a killing selling “Vobody’s Burfict” shirts for $15 a pop to your remaining 10,000 idiot fans.

Now playing

In keeping with rocket-armed A’s outfielders in Anaheim, here’s another gem. Sadly undermined a bit by miserable TV production at the beginning, opting for a tracking shot of the runner that would make Paul Thomas Anderson jealous.

Now playing

The terrible slide doesn’t help but damn, it’s arguably a better throw than Ichiro’s iconic gunning down of Terrence Long:

More like Paul Substandardbaum amiri...

We rarely know everything behind a stranger’s situation. Maybe she had a death in the family and booked last-minute tickets to attend the funeral. Maybe another family member just called to say they’re suicidal or in desperate medical condition, and she dropped everything and booked the only seats she could grab.

It’s very simple. Politicians who aren’t senile pivot smoothly, they pivot once, and they pivot from the start. They “whatabout” it out of the gate; “that’s a great question, but what the real problem is...” and off they go. They literally answer a question that wasn’t asked as if they were answering the original

As a Washingtonian, Oregon drivers are the worst.

Hey, it was an anomaly, but Big Fish came out in 2003!

Prior to the arrest Kelly was involved in physical altercations with a guest at Von Miller’s party.

I miss the Chicken Caesar Pitas they had back in the day. I could down like 3 of those giant things in a sitting.

Hearing him say "acrost" every time he folded that sheet kind of made me want to kick puppies.