
Are you sure that’s true? I don’t know all of the science behind it, but I do know I’ve had out of balance tires that seem perfectly fine at 50mph, feel like the car is going to fall apart at around 60mph, then feel fine again at around 75mph... so that leads me to question if there’s more factors than you’re

exactly what I was thinking...

Regardless of his business practices, he’s created a beautiful and potentially record breaking machine. As a major automotive media outlet, I think it would be more irresponsible to not report on the car..

Man... tbh, I totally understand why people stand in the fire and you would probably have to experience it to understand... I played on a laptop with pretty crappy specs at the time and I had the graphics settings so low that it actually didn’t show many of the effects, including the fire on the ground! I was like how

This guy isn’t much of a car guy if he thinks a 2jz outruns a 458.. maybe if you put a ton of money into it.. and that has nothing to do with a Celica anyways lol..

That’s the problem though. The cars useless aside from fooling a few strangers you never talk to.

Not true at all.. in fact, the rx7 was probably the slowest stock. However, if you added a down pipe / midpipe / catback it got pretty dang quick. High 12s 1/4 mile. I owned a red 93 and a white 94.

And judging by resale I’d say the overall public’s list would be..

Lol.. 300zx number 1!? Have you driven all 4? I’ve owned 3 of the 4.. Supra, rx7, 3000gt, and a 350z.. friend had a 300 tt I drive a few times.. my list is... Man 1 and 2 are tough but...

Kinda weird there’s no mention of HID’s (High intensity discharge).. most of the ultra white or blue/purple appearing lights you see on the road are HID, and they undoubtedly work better than halogen. I haven’t compared them to LED though...

Let’s go with plan c...

Part of this is false.. where it says your avatar never runs... just walks briskly. I see my avatar running all of the time while I'm driving on the highway...

Wow... he’s talking about the processor / electronic components... Pretty much every computer has silicone in it...

graphene would be a better comparison to steel since they are both sheets.. graphene would probably be stronger than carbon fiber as well. Graphene and carbon fiber are both the exact same material, just different forms of it... carbon threads vs carbon sheets...

carbon fiber is really not that expensive... the raw material anyways.. those who impregnate the raw fiber with epoxy resins, then sell it as a part on a car are the ones marking it up so much...

This is a bit misleading as to the actual strength of carbon fiber. You can see in the video that they spin the carbon threads in the exact method that would best resist torsion... carbon fiber is really only strong going with the thread.. for specific applications, like the one shown, carbon fiber is great... but in

thank you... paddles are retarded.. if it’s an auto, let the car shift.. if it’s a real sports car, have a damn clutch..

you wouldnt be going faster... you might be accelerating hundredths of a second faster... but who cares?

they do make them.. certain 18 wheelers have them as well as some super cars..

These articles comparing manual and automatic so black and white are silly... sorry. There’s more to driving than strictly performance and I couldn’t care less which transmissions can shift faster or at the “correct” RPM. I drive a manual transmission primarily for control. It is more fun and more enjoyable, but