
What if you call Lipinski’s office and ask about his constant voting with the Republicans, and the guy on the other line says everything is “Obama’s fault.” Can I be mean to that guy?

Oh it went great with his staff. I only met the congressman once at his summer fundraiser because I was working in his district office. His staff actually helped us by getting him to issue a resolution supporting a persecuted meditation group in China (Falun Gong). It was purely symbolic, but that kind of thing had

Heh. My mom was THRILLED when I started receiving letters from her Congressman at her house. She hissed at me when I went home for Thanksgiving that year, “What ARE you doing? Whatever it is, STOP!” She was convinced the FBI was now watching her. I blame it on wine and too much Rachel Maddow.

What if I perpetually sound on the verge of tears because of my Democratic Senators’ inability to stand up for me?

I think of it like thanking them for their service, and it’s nice to get a “good job” now and then. I’m sure 90% of the calls/feedback they get is angry, demanding action, criticizing a statement, etc. A call to say “Hey thank you for this, keep up the good work” would be appreciated if nothing else.

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:

Or he was killed by some racists who decided they needed to clean up people that Obama released....

Eh, I think that the only way to cut this Gordian knot (without setting it on fucking fire) is to call out and encourage decency. It’s at a premium nowadays, and I feel like people are so caught up in their right to feel injured/afraid/angry that the knot just gets tighter.

yeah is there a way to at least filter out in my RSS feed all the political sub blogs like the concourse that have blown up since the Gawker block wa

This guy posted a video of a Nazi getting punched in the face. The joke was the Nazi was the one making this comment. So he set up a joke that implies Nazi’s are the ones complaining about how Deadspin has political coverage.

What do you want me to say? I’ve been worried about him from the day he announced. I gave time, gave money, talked up HRC enthusiastically once Sanders was done. I vote and organize *ever* election cycle. I’m calling offices regularly. I also do my best to mock him in ways that show he is a perversion and a grotesque


First off, we laugh because it beats crying and because these fools deserve to be mocked and ridiculed at every step. Second, the crypt-keeper and Mr. 1.5 million Period are fucking amateurs compared to this slimy fuck:

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

That fact doesn’t make him the popular choice. That makes him the choice that was gerrymandered in. As a republican, I know this as fact. Why don’t you?

Yes. This is a fact. It is also a fact that fewer people voted for him than his opponent. These facts do not contradict one another.

roddy, seriously? is your implication that votes in cities should count for less than rural, less densely populated areas? get out of here with that overly simplistic nonsense.

Yep, you know that map that shows where people are concentrated...or shows were the bulk of the US GDP comes from. Are you saying relatively empty land deserves more of a vote?

It is actually not that funny at all. Frankly, it is pretty much the worst joke the founding fathers ever told.