
I have a friend who has a great store in CA that caters to very snarky greeting cards and other paper products. F-Bombs abound. She recently got a bad Yelp review b/c the customer didn’t like the content of the store. In hindsight, in my opinion, the owner could have some type of signage to say it’s PG-13. And I

anytime you’re doing anything in Photoshop without doing it layers...

Enamel makes them work better for reactive foods. Tomatoes are notorious for stripping the seasoning off of cast iron pans.

Oh honey, that sounds exhausting. Not snarking. Manipulative, conspiracy minded “friends” just make me so tired and cranky. It’s work to have them in your life, especially when you didn’t choose to have them there. Been there so many times. You really do have to strategize how to be around/with them.

Save your sanity and just “hide” all his posts on FB. I got a big ole list of Hidden Post People.

I’m not that familiar with Beritbart but I was reading it and it seems like the onion except they’re pushing it as truth. Is that what’s going on with that site?

I feel so free now, ever since a friend told me that I could hide posts from certain sources. I knew I could hide people, but there are people that I care about that I also deeply disagree with. So, I was trying to decide if I should hide them entirely or not, or maybe just up until the election and then unhide them

It was a two-pronged attack:

I believe you just listed the Sunday night primetime schedule for TrumpTV

the same malik obama that is pro-hamas and the destruction of israel? that one, sarah?

Well, that’s some serious trolling, Sarah. You do know that Malik Obama is not American, don’t you (unlike his half-brother, the president, who most certainly is American)? And are you aware that one reason Malik Obama is estranged from his half-brother, the president, is that Malik is pro-Hamas. I’m pretty sure he’s

Really? I like Biden but I think he would be too easily goaded into a name calling contest with Trump. I have a lot of issues with Hillary on a policy level but I don’t think there’s anyone better to face Trump. She’s the most level headed person I’ve ever seen and since Trump’s misogyny seems to have been one of the

Though I certainly understand why he chose not to, I honestly wish Biden had run- and please don’t take that as anti-Hillary, because I have a lot of faith in her. But I often think that Biden would not only wipe the floor with Trump, but do it in such an all encompassing policy and straight-talk smackdown way that

Michelle Obama, Mother of America has a nice ring to it.

Oldest message on top is the correct way to have it. I don’t use Apple’s mail app, but I think the part it gets wrong is not collapsing the thread before the most recent message.

Well, I generally try to refrain from expletives whenever possible.

For a proportionally small cost, you can just buy a big CO2 canister and some simple tube and fittings and make your own very easily. Plus, a standard CO2 canister will last far longer than a Sodastream’s proprietary one.

If it has high-fructose corn syrup, I’m not going to drink it.