
I dont get this “too drunk to rape” logic anyway. If I get wasted, get behind the wheel of a car, and kill someone it doesn’t stop being a crime because I was drunk, it just becomes negligence. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it now. Irresponsible drinking does not absolve you of responsibility for your actions.

This probably won’t even register since I’m commenting so long after the article went up, but I knew Sarma really well and to see all this happen is totally bizarre. There is a huge piece of the puzzle missing and it definitely has to do with her husband, whom everyone hated from day 1.

It just doesn’t compute...she

My mother was schizophrenic, and was never really treated. She died a few years ago at the age of 89. I basically raised myself. It was hell. I understand your feelings, and while I am sorry that there are others out there who understand the misery of my childhood, I am kind of grateful that there are others out there

My mom is mentally ill, and did a lot of damage to me because she wasn’t treated until she was almost sixty (I’m still not sure she ever got the correct treatment, but whatever). But I find that I’m angrier at the members of my family who knew the things that went on and did absolutely nothing to help me when I was

Okay so thank you for this: this is the kind of thing that makes jezzie good. My mother is a clinical narcissist (not sure of the exact diagnosis name but basically her psychologist told me and then was just like okay peace out now). My whole life I’ve struggled with understanding why she would continually reject me

Thank you so much for this.