
Looks like Jez has turned into a conservative cesspool if the comments are any indicator. It’s interesting that one must be approved to comment in the black and these commenters are constantly approved.

Sad thing is that there aren’t enough approved Black mothers on Jezebel—I’m not surprised. I’ve visited Jezebel since 2007 and it just goes further downhill as far as passive racism, elevation of white feminist voices over others, etc.

I’m with Whoopie. These award shows aren’t for moral saintlihood. If you need that, then you need religion because no human being on this earth is pure enough.

Because the reason he got upset has to do with reasons that come out of the black perspective in America and no, being rich does not erase blackness.

You need to read some perspectives of black women instead of prioritizing this issue according to your own myopic viewpoint. This is why black women don’t trust white liberal women. They will turn on you in a flash if you are standing in front of something they deem is “their right”, even if it’s about your experience

Because women don’t have to be perfect to be worth defending. Or is that only applicable to white women?

You’re WAY more offensive and disrespectful. You’ve positioned yourself as an authority and come across arrogantly. It’s kind of gross actually. You don’t want to listen to black perspectives because you decided that you know everything. Hair loss is extremely traumatizing for women because they are EXPECTED to have

Zoe is not exactly a black ally in that she tries to distance herself from categorizations of blackness in order not to feel limited. No Black person is inviting her “to the cookout” as they say on The Root.

Why do YOU get to decide what it’s about and Black people don’t?

Damn, you’re a smart person. I love it when white people actually do the work and it shows. Beautiful! Well said!

I forgot thatextensive therapy”  means all your problems are cured and you are capable of perfect emotional regulation. Everyone has a trigger.

Who is “fully in control” of their emotions. Everyone’s lives are fucked right now. Do you know how much depression and anxiety there is today? More like: Will Smith is bad at pretending to be a perfect adult at a dying awards show.

Type Kim K into Google and this should resolve this

I don’t like her but do you think we all should be judged for the actions of our shittiest relative?

Stop watching this person as if you are supporting feminism. It’s the same old box she places women in only she gets more shares of the exploitation dollars. Not supporting her.

Damn, Reddit’s Deuxmoi page is more sympathetic than you are. When Reddit’s nicer, you know you’re in trouble.

Actually...I don’t know if it’s anyone’s job to promote someone as an acceptable sexual/life partner BUT I have grown up with Asian women. When we were kids they constantly made disparaging comments about Asian men and overwhelmingly preferred white men as crushes in the media and in real life. It strikes me as

Darren Star---not Michael Patrick King

This is so well written and succinct. Perfect explanation.

People need to write letters. It is easy for old people to ignore email, but they will get pissed if the mailman misses a day!