
I love how molesting a bunch of little girls (mainly his sisters, one of whom was only 5) is not as bad as the cheating. Raise your hand if you’d much, much, rather you found out your spouse cheated on you than sexually abused a number of kids? I might be hurt about cheating, but I could see working past it. I would

It is pretty obvious that Blatter no longer cares about the sport and his only interest is in making money off of a his name. He no longer has anything to offer the game anymore.

Those patchwork jeans...

I hate Steve Harvey. He’s never said anything funny. And he’s a dick. I can’t believe he has a show telling women what to do, and women watch it. WTF? This guy is vile. And apparently stupid.

Making chocolate is extremely hard. That’s why so few companies do it but instead get already made chocolate from elsewhere. Here’s a little knowledge, if the place you are buying your chocolate from calls themselves “chocolatiers” they didn’t make their own chocolate. Only bean to bar companies can legally call

Craft chocolate community?

That’s why Eddie Murphy takes on all those bad roles. When asked why years ago, he said ‘When I grew up, we didn’t have a lot of money. And when someone offers you a job, you take it.’

yes but why head a story about Tim Roth with a picture of Gerard Depardieu

Lie to Me was a good TV show though.

As for Fifa I thought the movie would be much more about the corruption of this guy at first.

Excuse me, but isn’t acting for money what actors do? All the work available isn’t always ‘Citizen Kane’ material but it’s hard to say no to work. How many of us have worked at crappy jobs, with terrible bosses because we need the income to live.

I think that’s how Fallout 4 started

That said, imagine if [say] the Patriots get screwed in the playoffs on a bad call, and everyone knows Dean Blandino was in the referee’s ear. We will never, ever hear the end of it.

Say what you want to about Jafar, but that man is a leader.

No, no, no. No women in combat.

Here’s the thing.


I’m sorry, the Jets-Cowboys have a rivalry? A heated one, at that?

I fuckin’ love fourth quarter Obama.