He looks like fucking Popeye! If Popeye had shark’s teeth.
He looks like fucking Popeye! If Popeye had shark’s teeth.
Also: he skips leg day.
He looks like every dude on Tinder in San Diego.
WARNING: Don’t go to his twitter page. He has a saved photo of the killer after he’s shot himself. It is horrifying. This guy is a tiny-dicked trustfunding douchenozzle extraordinaire. So glad that marine called him out. And yeah, anyone is going to run when shot at. But look at his gun collection - how’s that saying…
It is an interesting thing, when a guy’s overblown conception/projection of himself meets reality. He did the normal and useful thing. He got the hell away from a situation in which he could help no one and he kept himself safe. It’s only the fact that he conceived of himself as a kind of roguish anti-PC action movie…
Oh wow I would be really shocked to hear that someone like that has been violent towards women.
Hobbies: Date Rape and coining new and ever-creative bigoted slurs.
I read about this elsewhere and it included the horrifying detail that they found 80% worth of his body’s blood in his abdominal cavity. So he was internally bleeding while these little bitches tried to cover their asses.