
I have had to tell my mom to stop watching Fox News and have started calling her out on things. Even if she doesn’t agree with me, she at least has stopped spouting off.

I lost my daughter one week ago today. She was 27 years old and my only child. I know that I need to keep going for her and she would want me to be happy but what happens when the noise all dies down and people move on with their lives. How do you not let your loss just become an unbearable burden that you carry with

I have commented on threads about career issues and moves in SNSs past, so I think I need to seek the wisdom of the Jezebel community on this one.

I am the family resumé writer. This is ironic because I haven’t gotten a job via resumé since 1989 (!) and I don’t have a resumé myself. I am a non-fiction writer/editor/copy editor so it kind of makes sense. Most people are loath to self-promote, maybe this is changing in the Instagram era, but since they’re family I

What is the point of charging her? It seems like a waste of county resources for no good reason and unnecessarily cruel to a grieving mother.She has to live with her baby’s loss. That seems like punishment enough.

I always read about people being upset with family members who are trump supporters, but I have the opposite problem: My dad had pretty major surgery this week and my mom had to travel this weekend, so I’m visiting to help him out while she’s gone. My parents are old school hippies and pretty progressive, so all my

oh no, I’m so sorry! Surely the other dog’s owner should pay your vet bill? Sending you moral support! I hope Joss feels better soon.

Bucky and I went to Disneyland. I kenneled him there. He did not enjoy it. I was too stressed to enjoy the parks. We left early.

She looks like one of the Olsens 

Oh thank God. I mean, I hope he gets the help he needs but I need to buy more buffet soon.

That’s so perfect! I find him attractive not because he’s handsome, but because he’s so darn charming. 22 Jump St is genuinely one of my favourite movies.

Thank goodness for whatever called out to your Amma, and the woman herself.

Thanks. I can’t even tell you how terrifying it was. I thought he was going to strangle me to death with that telephone cord. I still can’t handle anyone touching my neck. I try to present a very calm cool and collected I’ve-got-my-shit together demeanor at all times, but watching Dr. Ford testify in front of those

Actually, seeing how someone reacts when shit really goes wrong is informative. If I were on a first date with someone and all that happened, and he handled it like an adult and without throwing a tantrum, I’d be impressed.  That person seems like a problem solver you could rely on.

He had the unmitigated gall to be nominated by the black guy.

I left my husband this week. It’s scary to be single for the first time in my adult life but I didn’t realize how manipulative and emotionally abusive he was until I left. I’m surprised that he’s being civil about it and hope that lasts. It’s a little sad because we grew up together but overall I’m feeling relieved.

I really fucking enjoyed his Ghostbusters and there’s not a single takedown piece I have read that detracts from the pure enjoyment I feel watching four professional women inventing stuff, solving problems, making jokes, and supporting each other, all while (shockingly!) failing to pander to the male gaze.

This is literally the fourth time this movie is being made. Is it really such an important story that it was worth shoveling money at a creep for? I ain’t mad at them for doing it, but I can’t really give them a pass for the dilemma they’ve created for themselves either. It’s not as if they couldn’t have chose to cre

What a week! I feel like I wasted most of it sleeping in late, since my work schedule got fucked with (i.e. more night shifts), and it just threw me and my overall energy off completely. Hopefully will feel more normal next week, I always just feel like a sloth who never fully wakes up when I sleep for more than 6-7

Those are the creepiest and most unnecessary things I think I’ve ever seen. Then again, I find wax figures disturbing in general, and I’m never, ever going to care about the stupid goddamn Royals, so...