
The one showing the life support is so nice, you get to see how theses suits work. I am surprised with advancements in technology, they can not make space suits more stream line.

I wish someone would throw a nice hot cup of Aids in his face.

You have to look at this as a marketing strategy. Porsche made an SUV so the husband who own 911 turbos can buy a Porsche for their wives, girlfriend. Or a similar guy who owns the same car needs a bigger vehicle. Instead of these consumers going somewhere else to buy a second car, they invest it in another Porsche.

Nothing worse than listening to some kind of crappy song or music beat ring tone. I really wish people would Just try and make it sound like a phone is ringing or close to it. And even worse is when they get multiple calls.

" Why no Captain Obvious I did not see that tornado, thanks for pointing it out".

I never knew a snatch trap can save your life, I always thought it was something that could kill you.

You are funny I was reading your post and you made me pause at hyperbolic, I sort of had an idea what it was but I had to Google to make sure. And then I had to start from the beginning again. Anyway, I was a little harsh, I know that guy did not commit a crime . I was just angry at their stupidity to put it on film.

Here are the rules for defining someone as a snitch since everybody has different opinions

+1 can't stop laughing.

I have finally figured out, Florida is the appendix of the United States. Think about it, it is a useless part of the body just like Florida is a useless state. But the only difference is when our appendix starts to irritate us we remove it, to bad we cannot do the same with Florida when it dose the same.

I was trying to find more pics, I found none. Some people just want to stand out from the rest of the GT-R's out there. It is not horrible, just a little tacky. The leather looks horrible the gold trim is okay, personal suede interior would look much nicer. I don't get why it dose not come with extra power for that

Your right corporations sucks all creativity from people. I feel so old I thought it was Soldier Boy not Souljia Boy. Even the spelling of his name gives me diarrhea.

+1 agree.

Yes it is dead, rap used to be a narrative account about the struggles of growing up in bad parts of the city. When you listened to it you felt a connection, you can understand what message they were spreading. They might of been big name stars with fur coats and jewelry but you could connect with them. Now

When I first heard that rumor I immediately sampled one of his songs and got sick to my stomach knowing some untalented piece of shit buys a forty million dollar jet. and I am still here eating humble pie.

Honestly if you make that much money who cares how you spend it. You want to buy a fifty thousand dollar shower curtain go for it or five thousand dollar a gallon paint made from the tears of geckos and sprinkled with some mosquito seamen thats great. We can't get mad with them they get bored with all that money. I

So it is ugly and slow. He should of completed the scissor doors with a set of BMW halo lights, and some Audi leds. He is funny he thinks just because he dumped 75 grand into this, he should get a higher price for this car. Personally the car is worth what an 07 V6 is worth. I get personal style but sometimes people

The front of the car looks like a panda's face.

Such anger such hostility. I know my post was a little hostel but I was directing my anger on items not people. Some people get so sensitive, take a two Motrin and a tampon and call me in the morning. In case XD2 owns a pair of fugazi Halo eyes, well son you should learn a lesson called "Faking Fronts" use urban

Are you making fun of me?