
What an asshat. What is wrong with people. I sometimes think people live their lives as though they are in movies, they can do what they want and their is no consequences He wants to make a statement do what they do in other countries, set himself on fire in front of government building. It gets attention and the

I never understood launch control. Why put something like that on a car when it voids warranty's buy a manual and save your self the trouble. I always though that was funny, they give you the one thing your automatic needs to act like a manual and you get penalized for it.

If he keeps launching his GTR it might void the warenty.

The second video says it all, 1.6 million versus a hundred grand. You get what you pay for. Never seen the Skyline get man handled like that.

Guy got some balls. I would do this minus oncoming traffic with out a doubt. But as a driver I will tell you this, I am not one of those oh my god let me swerve out of the way type of of drivers. Depends on how close he swings out in front of my car, If I have enough time I will try to swerve to avoid him. If he

So I guess the new Lambo is so easy to drive even a girl can pull a 360.

Even if I finagled the taxes insurance and maintenance would be brutal. I know reality would kick in and I would sell it also. I would drive it for a couple of miles and then thats it I would sell it right away.

That really sucks. Then why would anybody who can't afford the monetary responsibility for said car even enter to win. Makes no sense.

Oh, I am going by the DMV when I registered my car they asked the price my car, it cost 26 grand I wound up paying 2600 in taxes. So your telling me that you have to pay two taxes. Because the taxes in the DMV would be thirty grand for a car like that, and then you would have to pay another thirty grand in state

There is no way the taxes are more than thirty grand. We don't live in Australia. In Australia it is almost the price of the car in taxes.

I know in NYC it is eight percent tax when you buy a car. So in NYC a three hundred thousand dollar car would cost around thirty grand in taxes and a gas guzzler tax. Where did these people come up with a hundred k for taxes thirty three percent of what the car is worth sounds dumb. Which retard figured that one out,

Can't stop laughing.

At first glance I though that the Chinese fucked up again and laid down inferior asphalt on the runway. But upon further review it was not faulty construction, it was them testing a new safety feature on a runway. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

I was a little vague I guess. The 350Z must of spun out hit what ever it hit and came to rest between two lanes all fucked up. I guess the driver bailed it was 3 in the morning he was probably fucked up. I called the cops to let them know that there was a disabled car in the middle of the road. So bottom line take

I wish I can still have this phone. Don't get me wrong text messaging, GPS, email, pulling up a map and finding a specific store you are looking for is great but I miss the simplicity.

Best story I heard all day period.

On a late night when I was hooning with a buddy of mine. I came around this turn at a high rate of speed. But unbeknownst to me some asshole before me probably had the same idea . As I was coming around the turn it was right in front of me a black Nissan 350Z. I had maybe a second to find a way around the car, because

Actually it was typhoid island before that.

Oh I see what you did. I rike a rot.

I was looking to live on that island. I found out that not only do apartments cost a million and up, you get the privilege to live next to buildings that are section 8.