
Hell yes they are, as a kid my mom would never buy me Legos because they were so expensive.

It did show. You know what sucks about crashing a car in Australia? They cost almost double in Australia than the rest of the world.

I guess "Throw another Lambo on the barbie" will be little to much then.

I know we are talking about plumbing but I thought this would be cool.

Convertible anything sucks. Unless it is a hard top convertible. I think the cloth tops make any car ugly. But the coupe version ZL1 is nice. Unless it is a roadster then a cloth top is okay.


"A Dingo crashed my Lambo"

Am I the only one third gear Koc Holding

I was dumbfounded is all I can say.

No not bitter but this is N.Y.C we should have standards above everyone else. We are the go to destination in the U.S.

I try and keep the inside of my car as dry as possible watching this I want to throw up and shit at the same time.

Yea tried but no go.

In Russia meat pie make meat pie out of you.

A lot of people are dissing on the tube amps why I thought they were supposed to be the best when playing music. I always thought they were cool and I heard a few systems with them and it sounded amazing. But then again the amp cost ten grand played on a pair of twenty thousand dollar speakers with a pair of speaker

I just want to know how the hell do you get your hands on all those LEGO pieces.

I hope the owner dose not recreate that scene where Luke tosses the grenade in the AT AT by taping an M80 to its belly.

I leave this here they say a picture is worth a thousand word. I want to try an experiment if I can get a thousand responses to this pick it would be cool. Just say anything at random about this pick what ever comes to mind.

JFK is the worst airport take it from an ex limo guy. When you approach JFK it is so drab and ugly you don't feel like your near an airport until you see the terminal signs.The old T5 TWA is a nice design. I think they closed down T6 a few months ago. T3 Delta is trapped in the 70s, run down and dirty. T4 is okay at

If there s an invisible being up there please listen "I pray for one of theses so my life can be complete thank you".