
Yes, it's all fun until Locke and Dale Cooper abduct and probe you. Bad memories aside, it's worth pointing out that it took significantly more work for The Leftover writers to bury this particular e. egg than it took for me to find it. All I did was spend $5.00 plus s&h on Abebooks, and happen to pay attention at the

We're both paying very close attention!
Here's a link to a photo of the actual Minoan fresco from Wikipedia, since most people probably don't have access to the 1972 Nat Geo issue :…

I thought of the Alvin Ailey's Revelations as well.
I'm dying to share a National Geographic reference I spotted in this week's episode: Like Jill Garvey, I went online and bought a copy of the May 1972 issue of Nat Geo. In the final scene between Kevin and Patti, we are briefly shown a drawing of two antelopes on the