
We were visiting the states when that happened. I remember being on the treadmill in the hotel gym and they were playing that clip of Trump doing his “impression” on the morning news. I thought that it could not possibly be real that he had just done that, and when I realized it was I was horrified. How he has moved

“I swear this would be a lethal receiving corps if Big Ben were the QB and not Steve from Stranger Things.”

I was literally going to write the exact same phrase.

I feel the same... I laugh at everyone else’s team and always tell myself I will laugh at mine and then I walk away feeling mildly offended and my husband makes fun of me for caring that much about football.

I feel like I have been waiting for these articles to begin for so long. This is the time of year that football is finally almost back (I am even excited for even preseason games at this point) and then I am gifted with this series of writing.