
This is an interesting perspective. I think it comes down to whether or not the viewer wanted it to remain a potboiler. I did, mainly because I don't think the show is quite smart enough to function at a higher level. If what they're doing now is part of a long game, it had better have a huge payoff, because while

Damn straight.

I've been patient this season, but eight episodes of the West-Wing-esque travails of being president is enough; something needs to HAPPEN. I was hoping they were setting up something particularly spectacular by spending all this time portraying Frank sympathetically, but if so, they've waited too long, and if the aim

Eh, I enjoyed The Clone Wars show. And the prequels, well, 2 and 3. Not as much as the OG trilogy, but what're you gonna do? Regardless of whether you like them, though, the damn franchise started as movies and I'm fine with keeping it that way.

Video games don't count. Sorry.

This story, along with all the howling about the EU being de-canonized, washes right off the backs of people sensible enough to recognize that Star Wars is a visual franchise first and foremost. There's no confusion if you stick to the movies and TV shows, plus you don't have to deal with the childhood-killing tedium

While it's impossible to say for sure without being someone who hasn't seen Breaking Bad, I think the reviewer's being harsh in saying this episode wouldn't resonate without it. I don't think it would have resonated in the same way, no, but I'd be hard-pressed to imagine anyone who's liked Better Call Saul thus far

So was inserting the most serious, politically-minded power ballad that any of these bands ever recorded into the middle of the article a joke?

It ain't sanctimonious if it's true. Or maybe it is. Cassius Clay paraphrased that.


Too bad. I'm sure your contribution would have been as incisive as this one.

He hasn't seemed half-hearted so much as weary. His job is to call bullshit, and when you call as much as he has, I'd think it would be hard to stay excited about much of anything entertainment-related. This is a huge loss, especially with Colbert gone. Bummer.

I think Av keeps reporting on this so the Sean O'Neal can keep writing Richmeister parodies. Keep 'em coming.

Review aside, I am just now being struck by Aaron Paul's character being named Todd.

There are a million streaming shows clamoring for my time these days. Meaning new entries kind of need to be good right away; otherwise I watch the first episode and move on to something else. That happened to me with Bob's Burgers, and now I'm playing catch-up. As great-out-of-the-gate goes, BoJack fails; the first

You know the old joke about how every racist joke starts with the teller looking around to see if there are any people he might offend in earshot? The problem with Sterling is that his private comments did become public. Not because he wanted them to, but because sometimes shit you say that you think no one will hear

Well hell, we've got Orchid cloning Sabbath and Graveyard aping Free. I suppose an early-Priest knockoff was inevitable. Fun though.

Nope. Graveyard's vocalist is a damn-near Paul Rodgers clone.

I like movies. I like books. Some stories belong in one, some the other. Star Wars belongs onscreen. Like the writer of this article points out, it deals in broad archetypes. Books generally have to go deeper.Thing is, I never wanted Star Wars to go deeper. I wanted a great visual spectacle with a universal storyline.

Well this was fun, mainly because I hate Sublime for all the same reasons as this dude. Course next time when its a song/band I like getting shredded, I'll pipe up as indignant as all the Sublime brahs are doing now. And thus will the internet keep turning.