
I've lived in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota all my life, and can attest that the accent is not exaggerated, not when you get into the far northern part of the state. Hit Duluth sometime; its 4 out of 5 people. When I first saw the movie Fargo, I thought no way is that accent is real. Then I moved to

Fargo had more depth and contours, whereas True Detective was more about monomaniacal philosophizing. Both were great, but I ultimately come down on the side of Fargo because it flipped the antihero notion that no matter how good any person seems at the outset, they are ultimately corrupt and horrible, to: no matter

I thought the show was filmed in Calgary.

The last couple Boss outings haven't done much for me; Magic was the last one I really liked. This one is hit and miss, which is to be expected from an odds-and-ends. I do take issue with the reviewer calling "Ghost Of Tom Joad" extraneous, though. Its easily my favorite track on here. The huge rock treatment suits it

This being their commercial peak is funny, given its being their least commercial album. The review gets it right early on: this one was catapulted by the hope/expectation that would be as good as its predecessor, which it ain't. However, it is arguably the heaviest, most twisted album ever to debut at number one.

The fact is that Davis never does give any evidence that Jon can actually hear what Garfield's thinking/saying. So this is simply accurate from Jon's perspective.

I'll check out the prequel, but I'm skeptical. I'd frankly prefer to see Saul post-BB. If we're going to see anything else at all from that world. I understand the temptation to go back there, creatively and financially, but we currently have arguably the most perfectly executed series ever here. Why risk sullying it?