
There's a TUMBLR!??! Way to kill my weekend, Ruth...


And there goes my afternoon of productivity.


Only problem is, I've been giving you FACTS, whereas you have been giving me religious rhetoric. Sorry bud. You're up shits creek at this point.

Yes, let's share the words of a radical who denounced the Constitution and voted against it. You're helping your cause here. It is WELL DOCUMENTED that the majority of the founding fathers were, in fact, NOT CHRISTIANS. Of the 55 delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, 49 were Protestants, and two were Roman

Reading, do you do it? THE FOUNDING FATHERS WERE NOT DEVOUT BELIEVERS. I really don't see what you keep missing about this. And ALLLLLL of their writings, including the Bill of Rights, are clearly NOT based in religion.

Can you imagine the campaign??


You want more than 3 examples? How about just doing a general Google News search on rape and see how many Recent articles pop up. Will that be enough for you? Or do we need to drop you into other places in the world for you to actually get the point that rape culture exists? Oh hell, if you're on this site, why not

Which clearly is about as little as you know human and religious history. But excellent comeback here. You really showed me with that line of fact. Oh wait, it's not fact. It's your Opinion, that has no business being thrust upon others. Keep your beliefs and your faith and your religion to yourself, and just let

Yeah but the point is, which you clearly missed, is they were NOT devout Christians. They did NOT all practice a Judeo Christian faith. Hell, they were not all devout at all. The very First Amendment, the one they considered the most important to write First, is based on religious freedom, to practice and believe what

Best. Gif. Response. Ever.

I second this. Anyone who got bent out of shape over that title Deserves to be bent out of shape. Lindy had an excellent response IMO.

Wait, you truly believe that, don't you? Our country was NOT founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. The First Amendment clarifies that quite well, for if that was true, we would have had a national religion from our founding. Franklin and Jefferson were deists, Washington leaned towards a sense of providential destiny,

Totally agree with you, and sorry you keep getting slack for it :-/ As someone else said in response, I think a lot of it IS concern for money. The longer it takes to complete the degree, the more money you spend. It harsh :(

Yeah, I got that after rereading it. I don't think there is anything wrong with taking more than 4 years to get a degree. It's just a standard measure of time for college. We refer to them as 4 year colleges and universities, as the standard credit hours per semester would mean graduating in 4 years if said student

Read the article. Michelle is promoting post high school education. That could be ANYTHING. She does call out trade schools, community college, learning a craft, etc. This has nothing to do with "4 year college." It has to do with becoming useful, contributing members of society in any way possible. Title of the

We have "abortion on demand," as you wish to keep calling it. It's call choice. Since the woman still has ultimate control over her body. Considering the sheer prevalence of religion in this country that seems to keep influencing secular issues, I highly doubt RU486 will be covered. The Hyde Amendment will have to be

Higher education does not necessarily mean college. It means learning something useful for your life beyond high school. She hits the nail on the head with all of the options she has been listing out. So many baby boomers were not just encouraged, but told flat out they needed to go to college to get a job, that her