
Damnit >.<


Bravo! And thank you for pointing that out! I was just irritated that we seemingly couldn't have a discussion about women without bringing in a male perspective as it did not feel "balanced" so that was what I focused on. I, too, did not have a hard time reading the article.

I see what you're saying, but I still think it's an unnecessary comment based on what the article was trying to discuss.

The entire topic of Slavery is HUGE and unrelenting. I think your indignation is unnecessary based on the topic the author is trying to discuss. Again, no one is belittling what Black, enslaved men went through. But this article is focusing specifically on women and therefore, mentioning the well-documented, and

I so desperately want and do not want to see this movie.

They're not glossing over it, but you're on a feminist blog. They are, undoubtedly, going to focus on women's issues vs. men's issues, including male slaves. The point was to focus on both the enslaved Black woman and the free-but-not enslaved White woman. Discussing the levels of White women vs Black male slaves is a

There needs to be a book, "Your Body is Just Not That Into You," where we explain that you are not the exception to improper use, and subsequent luck, of birth control, you are the rule, and you Will get pregnant, despite the anecdotes from your mother's friend 3 years ago...

Yes and no. When evolution should be given over to Darwin to perpetuate the species, we instead take it into our own hands to do more for those who cannot reproduce. Fertility treatments, surrogate mothers, etc. We already go against evolution just by our medical knowledge that keeps growing. So if we're taking

Missed the point. The people who Are behind the anti-BC movement use this excuse. Does not mean all people who believe in Jesus/God feel that way :)

Ummm... half of the country? This particular individual actually lives up with me in the great state of Massachusetts. We're FAILING our youth with incorrect information and shoddy sex education. And it's only going to get worse, and does get worse, the further South you go. :-/

But I do agree with your sentiment. However, I cannot bring myself to put an unborn possibility before the life of a living, breathing, contributing member of society. I don't think it is an evil at all, but that is my personal belief. I'm pretty thankful I can even HAVE that belief in this day and age, considering

You misread my comment. I have actually spoken with men who think that birth control is an abortion. They don't understand how it works Before conception. So they equate it to the same level of sin as an abortion.

I will!

I know. I have friends who have too many chemical issues to use BC. It's scary. Hopefully better options are on the horizon though.

In the end, none of this matters, because God. They don't care about money, not really. The people against birth control and abortions, the real stalwarts, they proclaim God. Because every life is sacred. They don't care to learn real facts about conception and how BC works. They think it is all going against God's

There are a few almost to the market options in terms of male BC. Give it 3-5 years. You'll have it.

Throw in Wendy Davis, and you've got a deal!

Haha thanks Dr. House.

HEY! If Jon Stewart can fangirl over Malala, we can fangirl over Hiddleston. That's my stance and I'm sticking to it!