I for one am shocked that the fake movie trailer from the Entourage movie trailer failed to succeed at the box office.
I for one am shocked that the fake movie trailer from the Entourage movie trailer failed to succeed at the box office.
After what he did to Zod I assumed Superman's ideal sexual partner would be Carol/Cheryl Tunt.
The sad part is a JLI film would be amazing but DC would never go for it unless Booster had "hapless" tattooed on his forehead.
Stick around for the post-credits scene where Dante is approached by Archangel Gabriel to join Samson, Jonah, Moses, Mary Magdalene and Hawkeye in the Revelators!
I was very relieved to find that Firenze's actor was black and they weren't just counting centaurs as "people of color".
75 Cents to the Dollar Who
They tried to shut it down once but they hacked their way out with synchronized keyboard typing.
Fred Arminsen can join in but only if he wears his Prince outfit and stares from behind plants slightly to the back of the stage the entire time.
It's sad that NCIS is going to destroy those two much more wonderful options.
Well, to the Victor goes the spoils I suppose.
Though Toby Kebbell is probably DOOMED.
While the food does indeed look terrible I've wanted to go to a Planet Krypton ever since reading Kingdom Come. So we're one step closer!
Well it'll be at least the fourth highest grossing film about a New Zealand originating guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo.