Totally. My LG Optimus 2X still doesn't have official Gingerbread and Ice-Cream Sandwich is almost upon us!
Totally. My LG Optimus 2X still doesn't have official Gingerbread and Ice-Cream Sandwich is almost upon us!
Unfortunately she didn't look as hot as your model.
Giz - you really need to stop reading crap like the Daily Mail.
Apple believing in healthy competition?
"Who knew if I broke the law, and acted like a disorderly douchhole who doesn't give two fucks about society's ways" - you're referring to the policeman, right?
Apple would have banned it - but only because they ban everything "gay".
The sheeple have spoken!
Apple started this shit - he who lives by the lawuit, dies by the lawsuit!
"LOL"? Really? How would you like some 9/11 jokes?
"PLEASE! Give me less choice!" cried the idiot.
That is just the kind of bollocks that Poiny Haired Bosses everywhere spout. Nothing to see here....
Is there any Apple-related shit Giz WON'T publish?
It's Eureka really *shhh*
They might as replace the list with Apple's catague.
Cockneys? Crumpets? Tell me, Giz, do all black people have watermelon smiles too?
CyanogenMod = Negating your argument.
CyanogenMod = Negating your argument.
"Motorola employees wear polos" - what kind of an idiot wears polos? ;)
OOH! I was right with you up to "sophisticated, liberal society"!