Behold, my fellow Jalops.
Behold, my fellow Jalops.
11. It’s basically a damn shamwow. You get all dried off after a shower and put on a shirt. Then you look in the mirror and see big wet spot in the middle of your chest because it grazed your chin which was secretly retaining a gallon of water.
“We did a rush job today. It’s not fancy. But it’s the Oval Office.”
We did a rush job today
Well, based on some of the women who came forward during the election, it doesn’t seem like Roy Moore is very good at taking “no” for an answer.
Hypocriticus 3:18 - Verily, verily I say unto you: Fuck bitches, get money.
It’s amazing how much stupid shit one person can say in a paragraph, but let me try to break this down.
“Fuck this guy with Stonehenge”
And man, the competition has been *fierce* this year.
The HP wars are no fun anymore.
(at least not in anything but a straight line).
We’re also trusting the VW math of the era
It’s pretty simple based on an established pattern: if Obama did it, do everything you can to undo it.
Red water was already burnt, so this water can’t catch on fire like other blue/clear water, duh.
The Venn Diagram of “People Who Don’t Have Blinds” and “People Who Have Amazon Echos” is a circle.
This. Also, low mileage on a 10+ year old car is very different than low mileage on a 2-5 year old car.