Steff Blake-Lastra

Wait am I understanding this right? She basically did all the police work herself to track her daughter down? And had to convince traffickers to let her go? And nooooow police are investigating?

What, exactly does a “Value Realization Leader” do...besides think up ways to harass Black folks?

It’s like some weird hall monitor instinct. These are definitely the kind of people who, as schoolchildren, made lists of anyone who “misbehaved” while a substitute teacher was in charge so that they could tattle to the regular teacher. These are the kind of people who justify the treatment of migrant children as

I don’t understand how people keep doing this and not think about it might ruin their lives.

Dude doesn’t even sound a thing like Bob Menendez.


This is totally true.

I look 100% white, but my grandma was from Lebanon. My dad’s half Arabic, has brown skin/hair/eyes, etc... so does my brother, but I look like my mom: green eyes, reddish hair, white skin. We go through the same airport security line and they get harassed and I walk right on through.

It’s amazing

If I pray anything about Stumler it’ll be that she never shoots another unarmed person.

If I pray anything about Stumler it’ll be that she never shoots another unarmed person.

Its good the recorded evidence was released as quickly as it was, should be the case all the time for every officer involved shooting.

“In the wake of yesterday’s shooting, I ask for the community to join me in prayer and compassion for Mr. Bruce Warrick and Officer Sarah Stumler and their families,”

And exactly what terrible thing might have happened if’n this 12-year old black girl were simply allowed to “hang out” until the skating rink closed or until she decided to leave on her own? Those rules, the owners, the management, and clearly the deputies are out of control and off the chain.

TIL police will drag a young black girl (kicking and screaming, I figure is the natural reaction) outside because she’s not wearing some damn skates. She might not even know how to skate. I don’t and I’d give that rule the finger.

The idea that we should be “inflicting pain to get them to comply with orders” as regular procedure is horrifying. Even if this is covered by normal policy, it’s problematic. Tasers carry a higher risk than most people think. Particularly if we’re talking about a 12 year old.

I would guess it is pretty disheartening to read or hear when you are genuinely trying to make an effort to reach out to with understanding.