Stefanie Kelly

Welp, I MAKE edibles, so if y'all need moral support, please. Let me know. Mostly a lurker here, but had to come out of the woodwork for this one lol.

& Dave was famous for this. He enshrined those who came before him. I believe he wore a Redd Foxx t-shirt on Chapelle show debut.

Mitt Romney was caught on tape poo-pooing the lower 47% both Black & white, for having less & generally being losers. It was white people realizing that he gave not one eff about them that spectacularly lost him the election. He was not a nice guy. He did not have a soul.

there is an unwillingness to admit the internalized self hatred that lead to so many men & women & their BS "she's just as bad as Chump" crap.

i think the unwillingness to acknowledge the misogyny in this situation is really troubling. men & women who will not admit to it remind me of those who "don't see color" -

if it was in the form of projects, then it was not our promised 40 acres.

yeah. even w/the amount of killings of Black girls, the narrative - no offense to the writer - is consistently, not only in this article but in general, the fact that Black MEN are dying. the narrative needs to consistently refer to Black PEOPLE dying. b/c that is the truth of the matter. period.

lolololololol!!! exaaaaaaaclty

one of my favorite lines::: 'white women can have you'.

thank. you.

it is so effing tacky.

please god no. not struggle shag, omg lolololol

that shit haunts me to this day. it is why i swore off any reality @ the time, including the birth-of-the-ratchet flavor of love. two of my close friends had to tackle me to the ground. & then of course i was hooked #somuchshame


ohhh you can just feel the Hotep hate from those questionable bruhs… gently floating faux confusion/on the low offense/looking for supporters…

love this.

men who can't control themselves around young girls should not be around kids. period point blank. & it is adults' responsibility to control their urges. not the responsibility of kids. & i have a daughter.

ok. but it is true that every land mass on earth houses indigenous/aboriginals who are not white. period.

thank you.

toothpaste. #fuckingidiot