“still more Quake” doesn’t cut it. The series needs something akin to the latest DOOM, something to go back to the basics of Quake, with a solid single-player campaign, not just Quake 3 Arena with new shaders.
“still more Quake” doesn’t cut it. The series needs something akin to the latest DOOM, something to go back to the basics of Quake, with a solid single-player campaign, not just Quake 3 Arena with new shaders.
I will most probably get back into my vintage PSP library. I just bought a MicroSD-to-ProDUO adapter and I have a ton of room to carry all the games and homebrews.
BG&E is available for PC as well, on Steam, GOG and probably UPlay too. No need for a PS2.
It was Valve who made the suggestion to employ him, and he fell for it. The plan was for FBI to arrest him on arrival, right off the plane, but german authorities caught wind of the plan and moved first, so the guy never left Germany.
Never seen a Barbie before, huh?
I modified a save to beef up everything on a paladin and just started walking around with it. I had a fire aura active at all time, I barely saw enemies alive. The aura was extending beyond the screen limits, all I saw was corpses.
They probably don’t want to hurt gaming too much, and maybe Diablo III at that.
I pirated lots of games in my youth, before I could actually afford them. Now I have about 300 title across 4 stores (Steam, Origin, GOG, Ubi), plus some more that are just discs in plastic cases.
Spore is a good game, but I understand why trying it now wouldn’t convince anyone of that. But you should try it. I mean it…
Some of the Mass Effect 2/3 helmets were outright ugly, and I RARELY used them, in spite of their good stats! I much preferred seeing the eyes of my Femshep instead of having her all covered of putting a joke on her face. Umbra Visor? Who the fuck designed that ugly shit?!
I hate how the new friendly is sexy while the antagonist is ugly. It would’ve been so much interesting if the Kett and the Angara roles were reversed.
I did that routine too many times and I never was shot down by a tank, though I did lost the plane a few times. Here I was not quick enoutg with the soldier near the plane, which is why the rest of the military had the time to get so close. Otherwise it is a breeze.
But won’t you be able to summon it in a new session?
There is a “ramp” down the delta where you can jump over the fence with a fast car (Zentorno) and go straight for the closest jet parked between runways. Get out of the car, quickly dispose of the only one guy there, enter the jet, fly over the barracks and hangars straight ahead, scale the hills, then shoot straight…
I had the RSC anyway, from GTA4.
Stealing a jet from the base is one of the easier things Online, tho. I like to steal them and give them to other players.
What if you exit the session? Won’t your vehicles “exit”, too?
I got it for free on PC, maybe because I played on the Android mobile app before the PC version was available? Anyone considered this possibility?
The AP pistol is indeed supreme at close combat, it is unrivaled! The amount of lead that thing spits out per second, the pinpoint accuracy and the power it has is not to be messed with, especially if you use snap-on targeting. I’ve done foes equipped with miniguns who couldn’t reach me behind cover because they were…
FC4 was their last I really enjoyed, I still have to finish FC Primal. I tried WD2 and it feels cumbersome. Once you go GTA V you don’t go back, and WD2 is way back, man. Someone at Ubisoft must be scratching their heads the wrong way about GTA V still being in Top 10 Monthly Sales after all these years, while WD2…