Stefan Dumitrache

OMG “Rockstar Games presents: Half-Life 3" confirmed!!!

Plus, a company has to stay creatively independent. Bow to such requests a few times and players will request even more such things.

Holy shit, yes!!!

The thing with the quarians being overly sensitive is just another plot device anyway. An organism grows immune or can be efficiently immunized to it’s local habitat. Going in slightly different regions raises the risk for various infections. Shepard without a mask on Tuchanka? Serious risk of viral infections. Or

Hence the quotation marks.

Let’s keep in mind that we talk about a few quarians here, since not the whole species was sent to Andromeda. Treat those, immunize them, then their descendants will just inherit the cure genetically. If there are descendants, that is...

There is an AI involved. Someone said that the logo on a dev’s shirt is a clue, and while it resembles the “N7" logo, it also resembles “AI”. So yeah, EDI could be in the books. Which is cool by me.

The need for quarians to wear masks is long overdue. We can accept a quackery like “immune system boosters” without batting an eye if we were able to swallow the concept of putting back together a human that fell from the sky.

Correction: you’re “refugees”.

But you won’t be a savior here, rather a leader of destruction bent on taking over. That’s assholeish enough even for a Paragon invader.

A game about his antics on Omega between ME1 and ME2 would be a blast!

CDPR really skyrocketed that fucking bar!

The thing is the Mako did not take into account the gravity of the planet. It would’ve been cool if it did, behaving differently on each world when it comes to traction, jump height and so on.

Here’s hoping we have at least a dozen of those, not just a couple. And maybe make them more interesting this time around. While the UNCs were a blast back then, they were really barren and devoid of much gameplay after all was discovered.

That recent story about the 1 mil. km Toyota that never needed anything but some oil change and other minor maintenance blew me right out of the water!

Sorry, but the most underrated is DOOM RPG, the mobile doom and the only one I finished.

This is a developer choice, though. And as someone said previously, GOG bundles nice goodies along with the game. Most games I have on GOG also give me a soundtrack, while on Steam most of the time you have to buy the OST as an extra.

I assumed it has a hefty battery inside and desktop-grade components. Am I missing something? Anyway, this will be niche, for the enthusiasts. In 2 to 3 years mobile devices will be capable enough to give the average consumer high quality VR on the go, so this “backpack” will either be phased out or it will remain a

You get the update even if you don’t buy B&W?

I’m level 10 on Witcher 1, I guess I have about a year’s worth of playing to get to your level.