Stefan Dumitrache

I agree with this. Just like bad memories, which have the tendency to persist more than the good ones, so do bad examples of police work or, generally, bad examples of anything.

First thing, assuming you have a phone or some passer by has one, is to call 911 for the medics. The police can wait, your life cannot.

I’d love to see a devs “strike” inside a big title, where during some super mega exquisite voice acting interesting immersive dialogue ALL models go terribly low poly and super washed out textures and simplified gameplay. Just to make a fucking point, “Hey, that’s how good they pay us, coders!”.

Meanwhile Notch doesn’t give a shit. Takes a few hours off to code Shambles in Java. Makes the news.

More like “shut up and take my body”.

Did you NOT read the article? VW admitted themselves they had a hack, there was no reverse-engineering by anyone.

Don’t miss the opportunity :D


And for The Verge, too! Please, Kyle, go work for The Verge. They need someone to check and regulate their biased crap!

Basically how to mutate the Flappy Bird brand name. Eaty Pie.

Apple design, yeah :))

Sony+Microsoft=Nimbus. Though there’s more Microsoft than Sony, but still, the sticks layout is essential. I would’ve preferred the XBox layout.

The difference from many other games is that playing Minecraft for two years builds your brain too, while playing GTA for two years rots your brain. So keep at your craft, even if it may seem done in vain. It’s not in vain.

Silly Kotaku, doesn’t know the difference between a glitch and a feature.

Dude, Rockstar Games! ~11 million in 24 hours for GTAV.

I wonder how the “crappy voice” actor feels about the internet considering his work to be crap. Hopefully he’s won’t end up in a bloody bathtub.

That’s how I recently bought the first two in one take. But waiting for price cuts is like praying. You don’t know if or when your waiting will be over. Might as well pay a few dollars more.

If your giant TV has an HDMI/DVI/VGA input, I don’t understand how a PC wouldn’t be a better solution. But ok.

Don’t be an idiot. His response was within respectful boundaries.

Why wait for PS4 when you can get it on Steam with a 10% price cut?