
I'll be all over whenever this releases on Steam 

“Come in and learn more about it” has been their stock answer for literally decades. What it really means is: buy books or services (possibly after taking a personality test).

Because she wants to hide the fact that she’s in an extremist cult from people who don’t know it.

So how are all the, “she’s not a gold digger! She donated her ENTIRE divorce settlement to CHARITY!!” people planning on moving the goalposts? And when are you going to admit there is no proof to her allegations? The denial of male abuse victims around here is atrocious. 

But isn’t the lawsuit about whether he abused her? Both can be true, so what are people celebrating?”

Khal Droga is cool and all, but no way I watch the next Aquaman with her in it..

Rich people are SOOOO much different than us unwashed peasants. For us, “financial difficulties” would be having trouble with a car payment. If I had trouble fulfilling a $3.5 million “obligation”, I’d probably fake my death and try to establish a new life as a lobster farmer in Alaska where nobody would be looking

This whole series of trials is an absolute shit show. The details are horrifying on both sides. What I hate the MOST are Depp fans turning court footage into GIFs and laughing at the whole thing.

Thanks for your insight as a hiring manager.

Gosh it's almost like the tube would have to be sealed to achieve a vacuum...

I really don’t understand why this website  hates this guy so much.

Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars and still no one has caught up to him, but go ahead and state he is not very bright.

Kurtzman and his buddy Bob Orci are hacks who have been failing their way to the top from the beginning of their Hollywood careers. The Mummy wasn’t the biggest failure of his career; it was the chickens coming home to roost.

I have always wondered about the economics of this. Is the client paying the agency 3x the amount of what the agency pays the contractor cheaper than onboarding a FTE with salary and benefits?

I mean, I think it’s fair to say this is a shitty practice that’s pretty common and it’s ALSO shitty that Nintendo does it.

I was thinking his chest looks like an inflatable sumo suit.

That’s nasty looking, dude looks like he’s got seat cushions for pecs.  Looks like they flip up to reveal a place you can store your remotes.

Odd that you wouldn’t mention the central gimmick of Willy’s Wonderland, that Cage, while starring and absolutely central, has no lines.