
Inheriting Star Tek’s legacy? They’re just the latest rehash.

I can only speak for myself but... “Portal Fan wants Valve to make the next game before he’s ‘too old to play’ it.”

Did...did we listen to the same performance? Because either tech, acoustics, or voice problems (20 years older or crap blowing in her face) made that sound nothing like the performance in the trailer or game.

“turns it into a toxic wasteland”

Thanks to the opening paragraph of this article I’m still not clear on whether pitchford thinks the kind of magic that he’s just invested in is the illusion kind or the women squirting kind.

Now he can finally make that pesky usb drive disappear!

Bayonets were pretty much done after WW1 and were little more than knives you could attach to a rifle by 1939...not that a rifle with a knife attached to it is really all that stealthy or fitting for a assassin trying to blend in anyway lol.

I’d be on board just for the Shanghai architecture, but good luck getting Japanese gamers to not pitch a fit.

Occasionally, Alamosa or Gunnison Colorado will allow you to experience this fun temperature as well!

Well, it was only 90 sales and marketing drones.

There are clearly people who like how From Software handles it’s storytelling. You clearly dislike said handling, but that’s more of a personal reaction rather than an objective thing. A lot of people like the story being something that players piece together themselves, and even then there remain things that are

Ok, I’ll reply.

As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.

Me too - I was going to say... ehhh... this is a stretch.

Honestly, I was ready for this to be wayyy less boat-like than it is.

Maybe they should try making a game that’s notable and interesting instead of just a polished up version of every other open world game that already exists?

So I’ll admit, pre-release I was skeptical about whether Elden Ring would work because in my experience just because it’s open world doesn’t mean it’s better.

And I bounced off of Sekiero rather hard after adoring Bloodborne, and seeing what crazy graphical fidelity can do via a 3rd studio with Demon Souls Remake by

Before the talk of Elden Ring and all it’s details and talk about From Software, I never realized Kings Field was From Software. That explains why KF 2 (well, KF3 in Japan) was such a ball buster way back in the day when I first got the OG PS back in 1996.

So after a month of giving this game shit, I fucking caved and bought it and god damn. Its fun

I’m excited to see what comes out of this project but it’s a little strange for me, as a black gamer, to see how WOTC actively approaches hiring more diverse designers and publishing more diverse materials. It feels like the prompt is “make a wakanda for the culture you come from” and it feels like...paternalizing?