
Incorrect. I'll just wait. It's been out a year and I waited. I can wait longer...

If you wanted the game on Steam, you’ve already waited a year. That’s why it’s standard for publishers/developers to immediately discount games that appear on Steam when their EGS deals expire. IO didn’t do that, hence the controversy.

Shoddy VR implementation, convoluted sales packages, lack of cross-progression with the EGS version, server instability preventing people from playing, lack of discount parity with the EGS version, absurd regional pricing... the Steam launch has been a bit of a disaster all around.

Hoping to pick it up cash with my reservation but the beginning of this year has presented some life doozies. Here’s to smoothing it all out and getting this new hotness soon. Sooooooooooon. 

No it doesn’t. It stands for Armalite Rifle. The original manufacturer of the AR-15.

Armalite Rifle the original manufacturer of the AR-15 and it’s Assault Rifle Military version, the M-16 (Colt I believe purchased the company).
Here’s the wikipedia page for the AR-15, which spells it out.

Then why not just keep it in police custody?”
Wow, the Root suddenly trusts police.

If police keeping a vehicle confiscated in the arrest of an individual later found innocent is wrong, then this is wrong too. He might be a complete asshole but his belongings should be returned to him.

I mean if you were found innocent of crime and the police had it, you’d want it back too, right? Let’s be real here.

Wait, are you actually comparing her being banned for streaming Avatar to some jackass harassing her and this Ninja douchebag and his prize of a wife doing their bullshit?

You glossed over the majority of what Jidion was doing.

I agree that I prefer Sony’s strategy of working to grow devs and building those working relationships, but let’s not pretend that Sony is some family business. They are not doing anything that isn’t 1,000% financially motivated, and until very recently, they’ve been stingy about any of their exclusives being

Ha, I can see that happening.

As someone who completely lost track of time last night picking up Civilization again I definitely feel the one titled "Relapse" after an all too groggy family brunch today.

Galaxy Quest.


Ew....I didn’t know that. Who the fuck thought that was a a good idea? I couldn’t imagine dating an 11 year old as a high schooler even.

Persona 3 will probably always be my favorite, but I can never recommend it over 4 or 5. Objectively, 4 and 5 are better games with more nuanced systems built from their previous entries, and with 3, there are a lot of things about it that casual gamers will immediately bounce off of. But, goddamn, the tone, setting,

Apparently I woke up in crazytown because someone is suggesting Persona 4 is the weakest of 3/4/5.

The Mootrix?

It was right there . . .