
The problematic part isn’t Claudette’s mask, the problematic part is the racists.

Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t (at least in large part) an opportunity for good PR for Frank Kent MC.
Still, motives aside, good on them for stepping in to help out.

Elden Ring, Elden Ring, Elden Ring and ... Elden Ring.

I find your lack of Elden Ring disturbing...

How do you know that the level of piracy we have doesn’t ultimately increase sales?

Like others have pointed out already, it always seemed weird to me how most of these statistics apparently assume that consuming pirated content equals a lost sale. I can say with reasonably certainty that a rather large percentage of the people who pirate are either too broke to pay for said products and that another

One of the problems I’ve always had with “piracy damages” as a concept is it’s completely theoretical and almost always based on the false assumption that the same people pirating something would be legitimately paying customers if piracy wasn’t an option, which is nearly never true.

…Quidditch, the favorite wizard sport of transphobes everywhere,…

it’d be difficult to say, but i’d guess less than the number of people who got sick by going christmas shopping, but maybe more than the number of people who got sick by going to the post office? i guess you could pick any activity that involves some form of human contact, and wonder how many people are getting sick

I wonder how many people enjoyed themselves instead of cowering in fear inside their bunkers.

FINALLY someone put Psychonauts 2 on their list. I was starting to doubt my taste in games cause honestly, aside from Disco Elysium : Director’s Cut, this one is my absolute favorite of the year. They took the good bits from the first game, reworked the shoddy platforming and the whole story being about mental trauma

“They borrowed set pieces from every single game.” Yes, and that is a huge red flag and alarm bell. It’s a sign that they don’t give the slightest fuck about the story, and are just mashing stuff together. This is a trainwreck in the making. Gives me really strong “Resident Evil” movie fuck-up vibes...

Lol. That escalated quickly. I’m an insufferable movie nerd because I didn’t watch the sequel to a movie I hated (and, by most accounts, was worse than Reloaded), but am obviously willing to watch the new one.... ?

I would say mine was XII. Moving away from turn-based combat was a deal breaker for me. I do give XI and XIV a pass because they’re MMOs.

Now I’ve still played XIII - XV, but I haven’t been jumping to buy them day one like I did before. I mainly got them long after the fact when they went on sale. By the same token,

I love how every comment section of an FF game is everyone ranking their favorites, just because the series is so disjointed and has such big leaps of style and structure.

And Bravel...uh I mean Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is what resurrected it for me.

Having revisited FF XIII lately... er, it’s still a total mess of a game and one of the worst Final Fantasy titles I’ve ever experienced.

FF XIII is the game that killed gaming for me. After spending so much time and upon finishing that game, just felt, what have I wasted so much time on?
Took me a while to pick the controller back up again.

The love Final Fantasy XIII-2 deserves:

Why though? that is such a stupidly worded law.