My apartment complex notified me last night that I either had to pay an absurd fee for having pets, or vacate by the 30th.
My apartment complex notified me last night that I either had to pay an absurd fee for having pets, or vacate by the 30th.
Rittenhouse is a shitstain and deserved at least some jail time, and that entire trial was a shitshow from the beginning. The judge had no idea what he was doing and the prosecution was laughably incompetent. It’s a shame that this became a media sensation while the much more interesting Chris Chan trial is closed off…
Flat colors help to hide the CGI mistakes.
(some SPOILERS below)
Same here. It has become one of my favorite games ever.
But I see the problem with fans, similarly like Shyamalan. Some of us are able to enjoy an author’s view/way of thinking/”schtick” in each new game. Some others feel “oh, I fell for the trick once, you’ll never get me again, you’re repeating yourself” and get…
Weird seeing hate for it.
Huh. Really surprised to see a negative take on this game. It absolutely blew me away, and is slowly creeping through my friend group, doing the same thing to each and every one that finally picks it up. At least I appreciate the spoiler warning, as Inscryption is at it’s best when you go in blind knowing next to…
I mean for a lot of the people who are going to be interested who have only played persona it is really helpful to have a comparison point.
You are going into far too deep a subjects that’s required for a casual review.
I like Anna Faris. She’s great.
prohibit most players with forced difficulty
One of these days they’ll make another Armored Core .. one of these days.
Put Crab Game in the main title because these guys do this for free. They deserve some exposure.
I’ve long thought that the government should get out of marriage altogether and just create a social contract that covers the same legal rights.
Marriage doesn’t really matter imho but children objectively do better in two-parent households than when raised by a single parent.
Agreed. Moreover, children do even better in a multi-generational, extended family household. The more caregivers upon which childcare can be divided upon the better...
Wait, why do we (as a society) give a shit about whether people get married or not? I mean the whole thing’s obvious bullshit, but I missed the nonsense rationale for that. Something, something, god, I assume?
Neither party is interested in ending two-party control, so ranked-choice voting (the only way we’re ever going to get multiple parties in here) is still DOA.
permit me to open the dialog
“so long and thanks for the environmental damage your money laundering scheme has done”
the dialog is now closed
dont let the door hit you on the way out
Of all the things I won’t be clicking* today, I won’t be clicking that the most.