
I am of several minds on this, especially now so many years removed.

Firstly, the ending wasn’t great, especially in it’s original form. Even explained, it was particularly satisfying, That general criticism was valid then, and is still valid.

And the extended ending did help make the different outcomes more

Kaiji and the rest of this author/mangaka series is better enjoyed as binged manga reading.

Sounds like you're being a little bitch about it 

In all of the Souls games you can save and quit at any time, and when you load back in you’ll be standing at the same spot, with all of the same enemies you already killed still dead.

Alien vs Predator 1 and 2 were absolutely amazing shooters.

Very surprised Double Xp’s strip made the cut given its roast lol. Edit: more props given that its Zack who wrote the original article.

It’s a good one.

Man Valve could really take advantage of this. Just release a statement that they’re banning all racist games (even though they’re probably banned already) and two seconds later Epic will be announcing that they’re happy to have racism on their storefront.

What’s funny is he makes fun of you specifically in the special. If you watched the entire special (sounds like you didn’t) and came away with, “Dave is transphobic”, then I don’t know what you were watching. I laughed, I cried, I empathized with multiple parties. This was stand-up at its highest level and i pity you

Yeah I’d give Dave a bit of leeway on the jokes. That’s not to say they aren’t offensive to people. Heck I watched the special and at times looked at the audience and could tell from their faces they were, at the very least, unimpressed with them. That’s jokes; some work, some don’t.

Dont you bring Community into this

The only value at this point is the equity EA has built up in that brand name. They can release the same product with a different name, and they might manage to lose customers that don’t realize it’s the same product. People know to search for “fifa” when shopping for EA’s latest entry in the series. It’s possible for

Arkane has managed to hone it’s mediocrity into a finely tuned formula that only affects their target audience and not games reviewers.

Not to mention Fortnite did the whole ‘founders edition alpha/beta’ crowdfunding model (that conveniently had real money lootboxes before the game was even officially released) for some of its development as a zombie wave survival game. They essentially dropped Save The World to copy PubG and screwed over the people

The fault I lay upon Fortnite for doing an Among Us game mode is just that: They did an Among Us game mode.

It wasn’t even that, really. The point was more “can you do something with this game concept beyond entirely duplicate it in your game engine?”

Fortnite is a reskin of any good idea someone else has. Like Facebook.

This. I love Youtube and streamer content like Katherine of Sky, Hafu, and even with the Among Us craze, some Pokimane with Disguised Toast and crew.

what percentage of viewers/subscribers are women?  why aren’t they viewing/subscribing to more women?