give them a break, theyve been busy developing all those other amazing features like, umm, well theres, errr.... nope i got nothing
give them a break, theyve been busy developing all those other amazing features like, umm, well theres, errr.... nope i got nothing
The days each title drops Denuvo will be the official release days for me. I refuse to enable that malware.
Yeah, in general I don’t get too hung up on “this adaptation will somehow taint the original!” argument but I was also pretty skeptical of Netflix adapting Bebop. I’m less skeptical now that it appears (emphasis on appears) they’ll incorporate the “monster of the week” episodes that make up the heart and soul of Bebop…
Sympathy for the Devil and Pierrot Le Fou are probably my two favorites. Wonder how those will translate to live action.
Yeah, they really hit the nail on the head with that one. 😂
PA is exactly how I feel about Apple and Epic, thank you billionaires for taking the time out of your day to validate my presence amongst your argument over which one of you will be better poised to exploit me in the future. Get fucked, the both of you
Pierrot le Fou! Literally watched the episode 2 nights ago. Villain was the craziest dude Spike ever came up against. The fact that he’s in this means he always deserved more recognition.
I just keep looking at how old john cho looks.
One of those four is not like the others.
I wholeheartedly disagree.
Man, when I saw Mad Pierrot, I literally let out a yelp.
It’s my favorite episode that doesn’t deal directly with the main storyline, and I (along with many others), wondered if and how they’d adapt it.
My God, my body is ready.
That being said, the intro does look a bit, dare I say, cheap? It’s really hard to pull off a…
On one hand: I appreciate them realizing that they just can’t top Tank.
Hrrrrrm, I don’t know. It kind of looks like some fan-made adaptation of the original intro or like a hip-hop video from the 90s or something. Based on this alone, watching the live action adaptation may be a bit too cringe for me.
Let’s be honest with ourselves here, can we?
Also, Mario and Luigi are from Brooklyn according to the original canon. They should just have Brooklyn accents, not Italian.
I’d be surprised if Apple lost even a million to this decision. The vast majority of customers will still use Apple Pay because it’s quicker and easier than going to an external site and entering your login info. Customers don’t care how much revenue developers or publishers make. They care about convenience.
Apple could also require redirect links to put up a disclaimer.
Guess what? Your contract for the gaming industry is also a Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality agreement. Mine for EA/Mythic/Broadsword had that specific “you must inform us in advance before discussing any information with relevant legal authorities” clause too, as well as a 2 and 3 year NDA demand, as well as the demand…
The First Amendment might be the most misunderstood lol
Isn’t this an example of widespread misunderstanding regarding the First Amendment? It’s meant to stop the *government* from restricting your freedom of speech — not corporations.