“Anyway, now I’m about seven hours into TLoU2, and I think that’s deep enough to say that something catastrophically bad would have to happen, either mechanically or story-wise, to possibly drop it down even to like a five out of ten.”
“Anyway, now I’m about seven hours into TLoU2, and I think that’s deep enough to say that something catastrophically bad would have to happen, either mechanically or story-wise, to possibly drop it down even to like a five out of ten.”
I mean, the Left Behind DLC has a user score over 8.0, and that’s where Ellie came out as a lesbian in the first place.
There is plenty of scummy behavior on police forces, that’s for sure. I still don’t know where folks get off making blanket, absolutist statements like ACAB. But then again, we live in the era of DJT, and painting entire swaths of the population in one stroke, thereby demeaning individuals who haven’t a corrupt bone…
Coming in with the hot take that’s going to piss a lot of people off, but fuck it -
Maybe I’m cynical, but I have trouble believing that we, as a society, can function without any sort of policing whatsoever. If the ultimate answer is that caring about serving your community effectively and justly means resigning from serving as a police officer, doesn’t that just mean that the only police officers…
I think the problem is too many people read 1984, but interpreted it as an instruction manual.
Yep. Just watching the trailer, I went from excited to never planning on playing this.
Yeah, I smelled a hero shooter the moment they said “five pilots”. I’m a little disappointed to know there’ll only be 10 players at play when Battlefront II’s sprawling space battles were so thrilling. I guess they wanted to keep that in Battlefront?
Persona 5 definitely has some QoL features over Persona 4, however, I think the story of Persona 4 is better.
It doesn’t have to be a pandering PR statement though. They could literally tweet 3 words: Black lives matter. It would take all of 5 seconds
interestingly—for Nintendo’s lawyers if nobody else—
WOW. This was worth reading for the description of Gleipnir alone. I’d never heard about this show before, but now I’m simultaneously intrigued and weirded out. Sounds like an interesting watch.
BNA enjoys Studio Trigger’s usual visual appeal and a premise full of interesting concepts. It’s pretty fun overall, but very little of its plot sees any follow-through. It’s clear the show is trying to say something, but never entirely apparent what that might be.
It is! My friend made it!
I like the one with the light novel type name.
Night in the Woods is a very very good game that is also rather timely in its themes.
Also seeing Super Hexagon, Super Win The Game, Bleed (1 and 2), Heavy Bullets, A Short Hike, and... *flips page*
“That puzzle game everyone knows but I can’t call it that for legal reasons”
We should do a ranking of the best titles in that bundle. Here are just some examples:
How on earth does that make it any better? Let’s extrapolate a bit: