
when SC hasn’t yet put out a beta 6 years after they broke their first release date promise, I don’t get how you can criticize ED for being unfinished. maybe ED isn’t a perfect game, but they’ve also fixed problems and fulfilled promises in a much shorter timespan of the (again) unreleased SC.  

Star Citizen will rule if it ever comes out, but man it’s really starting to feel like a pipe dream at this point.

occasionally I remember star citizen and laugh.

yeah, because its a pr stunt for most of them. very few actually care and think that merely stating support will earn them points with fans.

So uh... We’re all okay with touching that padded cover that’s being touched by everybody, not be able to see, so theft of anything outside your screen is totally easy. Can’t play DS or Switch, and this is Japan so.... yeah no. The pad has to be cleaned after every use. So that means they’d have to somebody on board

I have a coworker who in our team message client will never stop throwing in ellipses...
Like that...
sometimes he’ll complete sentences...
And you’d figure it would end with a period...
But... they never do...

And he’ll leave everything with an ellipses. It drives me fucking insane. I can’t describe the feeling it creates

This is a brutal take.

Are the writers here just bored anymore? Doctor of opinions over here trying to fluff that paycheck. Imagine thinking using periods right now in the world is an issue that warrants this type of write up...

I was working off what I have played, and really he looks like Atlas and not Ryan but I wasn’t going to spoil anything either ;)

They always forget the other side to being Batman and that’s getting your ass whooped and a life of never ending sacrifice.

“Would you kindly play Fortnite?”

I’m about 15 mins into the vid and so far it really feels like the studio has somehow forgotten all the lessons it learnt about their fans from the first game and its DLC.

I liked the movie, hope that doesn't make me a bad person.

So, is this tweet from a different person or something?

Surprised Cowboy Bebop isn’t on this list or Carole and Tuesday.

I honestly don’t care what the direction of the story was. My decision to not purchase TLOU 2 is down to how Sony treated commentators discussing the leaks.


That said, it’s often hard to distinguish between legitimate concerns with Tencent and racist or anti-Communist sentiments among right-leaning players.

[citation needed]

Like Stadia’s going to exist until 2021.