
“The only way to have a level playing field at the highest level of play is to not have voice chat”

What about the guy with the sunset sarsaparilla star bottlecap necklace? I seem to remember always encountering him right before this.

Not gonna lie, I always did this.

Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation, the lawsuit to prevent Microsoft from ripping the Mac GUI on Windows.

Ubisoft just says “Copied” but either Bloomberg or Ubi don’t say if they think the game contains stolen art or just looks too similar. I’ve reached out to Ubisoft for more information. 

Article isn’t clear - are they accusing the game of stealing assets / code? Or just being “too similar”, which is a much weaker case?

Yeah the only way to effectively one shot enemies was with the glass cannon spear that you got from a random shipwreck.

It’ll just be a portrait video of the actress walking in the street admitting they couldn’t come up with anything more depressing.

That was my thoughts. Biden already looks weirdly like Palpatine, and making him blue, glowy, and semi-transparent will not help. 

I mean, yes, but that cold piece of toast would have roughly triple the energy and political capital that Biden does.

I felt like whoever [wrote] it was probably very liberal but very uncomfortable with the idea of what a revolution actually entails. It’s not a Tea Party and that people are probably going to get hurt. I was like, ‘What would happen if you made a really honest, straightforward, unapologetically leftist game?’

I was born in 1973, I lost my tenuous grasp on pop-music with graduation in 1992. What little modern pop has made it into my awareness has failed to convince me there is any good music since the ‘80s.

One summer I spent a few hours watching mud daubers picking up mud from where a new driveway was to be poured. They would land and then roll up little mud balls and fly off. Just busy building a home somewhere into which they would stuff other insects to feed their young. Since they are solitary they won’t risk

The rules are very clear. You must be 13 years or older, and if you’re older than 13 but younger than 18, you must have parental consent to compete.

Oracles have my favorite dungeon designs, best actual use of your arsenal (so many Zeldas add situational items that are useful in their dungeons and not many other places, Oracles takes advantage of its linear dungeon orders by making the puzzles more complex and require your full toolkit), brilliant overworlds that

Can they finally give us a worthy successor to Master of Orion 2?

*speaks in Master of Magic*

It’s like Ikaruga. Now he can reverse polarities and absorb that color bullets now. 

I actually... liked the Penny Arcade comic.