
I don’t know; of the stores I make my weekly-ish trips to, Trader Joe’s has been the most serious and hands-on about enforcing social distancing policies. They have staff members posted outside to enforce the line and talk people through what to expect from the experience, people offering to check stock for those

All 3 Stadia customers are super stoked about this announcement.

I don’t know what makes them feel so special, but I know what makes you feel so special: $$$.

We’ve been having groceries delivered for 5 weeks now. It’s fucking expensive, Princess. But it’s a luxury we can afford, as apparently you can, too. (And I’m sure you join us in way over-tipping, as well.)

But just because

“...where the same products (or similar) will be on sale and cheaper.” 

I’m guessing that this means it doesn’t communicate with the internet unless Valorant is running? In which case, Riot could tell the tool to run a specific check next time that player logs based on cheating reports.

Just conjecture, though.

After that, Rebels and Clone Wars are on line two.

you and I both

I took a summer school class that taught in Hypercard, good times, haha.

The first film was a serviceable return to setup a trilogy, albeit one that mirrored ANH too much at certain moments.

I’m talking about the audience rating. It is, as of this morning, still sitting at 86%.  it has never changed during or after the theatrical run of the movie.

It also only has a 43% RT audience score (for comparison, Rise of Skywalker has an 86%).

Bombers in space; Luke disappears after broadcasting force ghost across galaxy. Mess from start to finish. Check.

I’m sorry for your acquaintance’s loss, but... how is that relevant to anything they said?

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.

It shouldn’t have come out of his mouth, no matter how comfortable he is with the other guy. 

As usual, “There’s a PA for that.”

Completely agree that it’s a myth the general German military establishment during the War had “clean hands”. However while at senior levels it was systemic on the ground it was far from a simple answer with not only theatre of operations but even region and subunit vastly differing in behaviour of troops and level of

Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

The bonus did exist, according to two people with knowledge of what happened, but it came out of the company’s 60%, not the 40% of profits that were meant to go to employees.

No. A lot of people did get it bundled with their purchase of a PS4 at some point, but it has not been a PS+ title.