
>In this case, it's Ben providing that little glimmer of light…

Okay, back now. A lot to unpack here, so I'll take it bite by bite.

Re: Libby:
>Michael should have introduced her and Bernard to the group when they arrived back at camp, so that he could vouch for her character.

>Sawyer's definitely got some weaknesses that his hubris doesn't allow him to see.

>What did the MiB do to convince her that Aaron was better off separated from her?

Why does Aaron "have to" get taken off the Island, though? What he needed was to be with Claire, and his separation from Claire was a direct consequence of the "not-Penny's-boat" message from the Looking Glass.

>Jin notes to Mr. Paik that he gives up his dreams in exchange for marrying Sun. But in doing so, he loses who he is…

Ha, I would have responded sooner but for some reason disqus wanted me to be signed in with a disqus account before I could read my notifications.

You can really see the "Aw, shucks" sweetness under the gruffiness in that scene.