
If she shows fealty to Dear Leader, then she is a “Winner”!


Someone needs to share this with Kevin Sorbo

It’s so pathetic that Trump complains about “knife crime” in London while we’ve had three AR-15 mass shootings in the past 30 days.


Oh, you think the Internet is your ally, you merely adopted it. I was born in it, molded by it. The tweets betray you, because they belong to me. I will show you where I have made my home, while preparing to bring justice. Then, I will break you.

The guy says he made it from a globe.

But will it be completed on schedule?

Hopefully Bernie drops out soon and throws his full support at Warren. 

His followers literally wear a mark on their foreheads.

Y’all know he wouldn’t try and stop the other type of gassing either.

Every fucking day. Fucking weird hobby.

you can’t buy people anymore.

What kind of sick fuck buries an abused and battered horse alive? If it’s not dead yet then there’s at least ... 8 more stories that can be milked out of this.

I am amazed at “all the best people” that Trump hires become all the “worst people” later on to him.

Tomato, for all the various piles of shit you’ve excreted into the ether around here, this has to be one of the dumbest.

It’s not badly-written, to be fair—but god damn, man, the guy struck protesters with a truck. The thing about being in law enforcement (or the military, for that matter) is that members are held to a

I mean I always thought they were awesome little Guerilla warfare bears.

I do realize I’m in the minority.

I get asked is how much did I charge for <blank> service. People want to know your “worth” so they can decide where you belong.

cool, a Wii in near mint condition