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    While playing it the other day I came across a Bokoblin camp and was about to head in to get the chest or what ever there migh be when Steerpike jr (6yo) says “Dad, why don’t you just leave them alone? They’re just dancing and having fun. They’re not bothering anybody.”

    That was really fucking mean. My heart skipped a beat.

    FAKE NEWS! You know it’s not fair to use his actual words against him.

    I am sick of it. Got to give him that.

    What a pathetic coward.

    Ah... remember when both the left and the right used to agree that punching nazis was a good thing.

    Is it really lying when you’re just making shit up?

    What! White? This is outrageous!

    ...hey I’m out of the grays.

    That’s wishful thinking. They have no shame.

    His heritage made him look like that. I think we all love it.

    I d like to hear your opinion on the dickensian qualities of the Transformers films.

    I’m sorry I was drunk and missed that you’d already done the discus pun....

    We’re here to discus the news not make puns.

    If you need a second opinion I’d be more than happy to let Steerpike jr put it through its paces... he’s very thorough.

    Zelda. Got to find 13 bloody rhino beetles. Who’d of thunk finding beetles would be harder than fighting Ganon?

    Conservatives do like their womenfolk to have a very particular look...

    He registered for reelection on his Inauguration Day...

    “Just close your eyes and think of the money. It’ll be over in a minute.”