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    This guys just in the pocket of the big-bra.

    Well Elmo has that whole Times Square pussy grabbing problem...

    Vladimir is that you?

    It’s clearly the Macarena.

    Well I would’ve run home and retrieved Glamdring, then run back so that I may smote those bastards like the filthy orcs they are!

    Sweet baby J on bike! How’d you get ungreyed?

    “If you’re not wearing bits of the flag as a pair of knickers you clearly don’t love murica enough!”

    That’s what I don’t get... doesn’t he understand (no of course he doesn’t) it could’ve been soooo much worse if they had guns instead of knives (the Orlando club shooting, for example). His point is basically pro gun control.

    Mississippi would like to have a word with you...

    A fresh tissue I hope.

    I find those numbers hard to swallow.

    So only a semi-hardon? Does that mean it’s good for the kids? It won’t turn them gay the way shirtless Chris Hemsworth almost did to me will it?

    This is great. To celebrate I’m going to have a big pile of coal for dinner!

    How the fuck is he 31? He’s got some kind of reverse Dorian Grey portrait hidden somewhere I guess.

    Something nice - He’s exceeding all my expectations thus far...

    We can only hope.

    Probably because their friends and neighbors slapped them on the back and congratulated them for “telling it like it is” and wishing the world wasn’t so PC that they too could speak their mine to ‘those’ people.