
Can you form any kind of argument, or statement, without devolving into playground name calling?

I don’t think you comprehend what you’re trying to say.

I just picked up MHW for the PC two weeks ago.

Maybe I can finally get those Leaping Boots that evaded me forever.

That’s a beautiful truck.

What’s better than an auto-playing video??

He /did/ hit something. The car made impact with the inside of a pothole.

I love reading articles that don’t tell me anything, but point to a video that almost no one is going to watch.

No one said Sicko Mode was a Kanye song.

This might be the most obtuse and petty thing I’ve read in this entire thread.

This is an extremely pathetic take dude.

Because popular vote has never elected a President.

Don’t worry, it’s not like any of these people blasting music are going to have jobs once the Govt starts up again.

Second Tweet in the article, partner:

I’m a Milennial, born in 1982. I went to college, and my parents and I split the loans. In 2005, I was working at Target making between $8 and $9 and hour. My fiance was working as a researcher and was making $13 an hour. We were both paying student loans, and still managed to buy a house.

This is GMG, there’s no room for level-headed thinking here.

I’d argue that HW Bush and Clinton’s lack of regulation, effectively caused Columbine in the first place, as well as their predecessors.

I might be missing the mark, but can you provide anything that says these mass school shootings are race related?

You should probably just link to the “How to deactivate all of your google accounts and services”, instead of teaching us how to integrate this horrible app into our lives.

I’ve read this title a dozen times, and it still doesn’t make sense.