
Credit card information, account access, addresses, phone numbers and other PII.

I think it’s against their terms for people under 13 to play their games anyway.

I don’t play Fortnite, but I did have an interaction with their customer service. It was extremely quick, and very efficient at addressing my issue.

Seems like an auto-correct error. “I love you, alive girl.” Could have easily been “I love you, a lot girl.”

Seems like an auto-correct error. “I love you, alive girl.” Could have easily been “I love you, a lot girl.”

If Maxmind can set the “Default address” why couldn’t they change it to a public building, and attach a label that says “This is a default location, since an exact location is unobtainable. Do not use this address to look for your device.” or something like that.

A very touching... car review?

Because somehow you think “Chrome” is stylish?

You could show me any of these yawn-mobiles and I’d only be able to identify them as “BMW.”

Man, wouldn’t that be a blessing?

What a hack.

That’s the point.

I live for these articles.

Both of these are on, have seemingly always been on... however in using Amazon since 2007, I have never received a “free sample” delivery.

There are plenty of forums you can participate with, for the Jeep community.

I’ve been playing video games since I was 4, on the original NES.

The rhetoric that this is classist against the “poors” is paperthin, at best.

Dumbass. He doesn’t use the Unijack on the Jeep, which is exactly what was quoted to you.

“One player compared driving the GTO to taming a wild horse in Red Dead Redemption 2.”

So... easy then? Like, super super easy?

Stupid kinja. Wrong fucking article. /sigh